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Kainoa Gardon- Creative Director

Kainoa was raised in Honolulu, Hawai'i. As a little girl, she fell in love with Polynesian dance and music. She knew all along that one day she would produce her own show.  Kainoa toured for many years across the United States and Canada as a Polynesian dancer and choreographer. She has studied with many teachers along the way, officially receiving permission to teach from Kumu Hula Frank Ke'lii Chang. Kainoa has performed for several Colorado Polynesian show groups since 1984 including: Lost Hawaiians, Hawaiian Way, and Polynesian Fia Fia. She now leads her own students, and performing group, along with her daughter, Noelani. They both find the reward in watching their students excel; measured by the aloha that they share in life and through the dance. Kainoa has hosted several Kumu Hula and Olapa Intensives here in Colorado with the Late Frank Ke'lii Chang. 

Kumu Hula, Kainoa Gardon from Tehani's Hula Colorado
Tehani's Hula Colorado, Alaka'i, Kallie Hoover

Noelani Hoover - Co Director 


Noelani was born and raised in Colorado, although her heart has always longed to be next to the ocean. She first started dancing hula at the age of 3. Some say she was "born on stage", as she spent most of her childhood stage side watching her mother, Kainoa perform in professional Polynesian shows. Noelani performed as a young girl and later became a main dancer at the age of 15. She has always had a love for the arts such as singing, tap, jazz, ballet, and lyrical, but the art of Polynesian dance has always been her passion. Noelani first began her teaching career as a teenager, then choreographing as a young adult. She believes in the concept of "#BraveHula" which encourages students to strive to achieve what they never thought possible and to step outside of their comfort zone... free of judgement or fear of messing up. She believes in a fun, challenging, and rewarding environment for everyone.

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